ABC Drainage LTD ABC Drainage LTD

Working in the drainlaying industry since 1992, I have seen a lot of work done by Mickey Mouse and his good friend Cowboy. In fact, half the work we at ABC Drainage Ltd take on is in repairing and re-laying existing drains that are of substandard quality. Traditional mentality within the industry allowed for this kind of work to be carried out, and sadly it still continues today. This ends up being costly to the property owner in the long term.

Drains are as important to your property investment as the footing is to the structure of your building. If drains are not laid to a professional standard you can end up with a range of serious issues such as health problems from damp, leaky sewerage; sinking footings; flooding of lower levels in wet weather; and in extreme cases losing all or part of your home to a landslide. With this in mind, you will not want to cut corners with your drainage. What may seem to be a cheap initial quote often results in a cheap job being done; which maybe works initially, but more often causes major headaches in the long term.

Ivan Nasmith, Director.

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